Is That an Emoticon in 1862?

A potential emoticon in a New York Times transcript of Abraham Lincoln's speech from 1862.Did someone insert an emoticon into this Times transcript of Abraham Lincoln’s speech in 1862?

Were they using emoticons back in the era of Abraham Lincoln?

There has been a lot of recent attention focused on the inspirational quality of Abraham Lincoln’s speeches. Perhaps those speeches inspired emoticons a century before they proliferated in the digital world.

A historical newspaper specialist at the digital archival company Proquest believes he has found an example of a sideways winking smiley face embedded in The New York Times transcript of an 1862 speech given by President Lincoln. Other historians are not so sure, saying the semicolon alongside a closed parenthesis is either a mistake or a misinterpretation of something that is perfectly grammatical for that era.

In 2004, a team at Proquest was given the task of creating a student version of historical newspapers. A team of editors scoured the archives of The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The Christian Science Monitor to find 5,000 articles to go with the American history curriculum. In the process, they stumbled across an article dated Aug. 7, 1862, with the headline: “NEWS FROM WASHINGTON.; A Great War Meeting Held at the Capitol. Important Speech of President Lincoln.” [Higher-quality version]

In the transcription of President Lincoln’s speech, which added comments about applause and shouts from the audience was this line:

“… there is no precedent for your being here yourselves, (applause and laughter ;) and I offer, in justification of myself and you, that I have found nothing in the Constitution against.”

Bryan Benilous, who works with historical newspapers at Proquest, said the team felt the “;)” after the word “laughter” was an emoticon, more than a century before emoticons became a widespread concept.

Could it be? Was this just a typo, a mistake, or was the reporter, transcriber or typesetter having a bit of sly fun?

We sought the opinions of historical experts, as well as the Carnegie Mellon professor who is widely credited with instigating the use of Internet emoticons after he proposed using “:-)” and “:-(“ to convey emotion on a bulletin board in 1982.

Could It Be a Typo?

“It looks to me like a typo,” said Scott E. Fahlman, the Carnegie Mellon professor who is credited with being User Zero of the Internet emoticon. “I can’t imagine an editor putting that in and meaning, ‘Ha ha,’ trying to emphasize what Lincoln had said. That goes beyond the bounds of editorial comment in a piece of reporting like this.”

However, the Linotype machine, which allowed keyboards to assemble type, were not introduced until the 1880s, noted Vincent Golden, the curator of newspapers and periodicals of the American Antiquarian Society. “At that time, type was still set piece by piece. So the typesetter would have had to pick up the semicolon and set it in the line then pick up the closed bracket and set it next,” he explained. “My gut feeling is it wasn’t a typo.”

However, Allan M. Siegal, the former standards editor at The Times, said he believed that the typesetter could have made a mistake and “simply transposed two characters and meant the semicolon to follow the parenthesis.”

As he explained, “That kind of semicolon between clauses was common in those days, and in fact dashes often superfluously followed parentheses as well.”

James Simon, director of international resources at the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago, also at first thought it was a mistake, but then softened a bit. “My first reaction was that it was a typo,” he said. “Taken out of context from the rest of the article, when I saw the small clip, it certainly looked like it could be a misplaced semicolon. But looking further down the page, there were more examples that other punctuation was within brackets.”

If you look through the text, there are mistakes here and there — the typesetters were not perfect. For example, in the transcript you see “Applase” instead of “Applause.” But leaving something out in typesetting is different from putting something additional in.

The Parentheses

O.K., suppose it was just a single errant “;” — perhaps that could be a typo. But what’s notable is that the typesetter uses parentheses. In the rest of the transcript the overwhelming majority of audience reaction is enclosed in square brackets: “[Applause.]” and “[Renewed Applause.]” and “[Laughter and applause.]” and “[Applause and Music]”, “[Wild applause, and cries of “Good.”]” and “[Cries of “No,” and laughter and applause.]” There are a few scattered cases of the use of parentheses here — we can’t detect a pattern. But parentheses are certainly the exception in the article.

In order to make a smiley, perhaps the typesetter slipped in a “)” to serve as a mouth.

“That is the one bit of evidence that says it’s more than a typo,” Dr. Fahlman said.

Mr. Golden, however, was not convinced. “I definitely don’t think it’s a smiley face because it has a pair of parentheses,” he said. There were an excessive number of square brackets on that page, he said. “They might have just been running low.”

A close look at the paragraph shows the typesetter uses square brackets for the audience reaction both immediately after and before. Were they running low for less than the time it takes to compose a paragraph? Who knows.

The Semicolon

The semicolon has long been jettisoned as an anachronism, though it has been known to pop up in Subway advertisements. But what is it doing inside the parentheses? (Mr. Siegal thought perhaps it was intended to have been outside.) “Based on the images you sent, whoever was composing the page felt it necessary to add punctuation within the brackets,” Mr. Golden said. “It may be a rare but archaic practice not seen today. If you look at the other examples, they have punctuation within the brackets and parentheses.”

Mr. Simon echoed, “They were aligned for punctuation inside the parentheses.”

Indeed, you can spot a lot of the punctuation inside the parentheses and square brackets, but they are almost all periods. Does it make sense to have a semicolon there, given that all the other audience reactions end in periods, exclamation points for quotes or nothing?

“I agree it doesn’t seem logical,” Mr. Golden said. “To us, the parenthesis serves the purpose of the semicolon. But who knows what the printer was thinking or the state of the handwritten copy he was working from.”

He added. “I think they just stuck a semicolon in there because the author put one in or they thought it was appropriate to end the phrase.”

The Space

Well, fine, if the semicolon is grammatical, why is there a space between laughter and the semicolon?

Mr. Golden suggested that he compositor was trying to space out the line and added the space there. “I think they were justifying the line. Notice all the columns had to be justified left and right, they had to do all of it by hand.”

That would be compelling, especially since there are a lot of random spaces throughout — and on the same line there is an extra large space between “here” and “yourselves.” Except! The next word on the next line is a capital “I,” something that could easily have fit in there.

Why they had to put in the space, given a choice … are they putting the space before the semicolon and not after it?

“That is a good question,” Mr. Simon said. “I don’t know the answer to that.”

The Conclusion

Dr. Fahlman, the Carnegie Mellon professor, still pushed back on the idea of an early emoticon. “I think if you took a random person off the street and showed them that, it would not be readily apparent to them,” he said. “I think people don’t notice it unless you put the nose in.” (Those of us with little noses are less beholden to the use of the hyphen as nose.) But perhaps the typesetter was having fun. “Maybe he was having his own little joke.”

Fred Shapiro, a researcher at Yale, initially rejected that it could be an emoticon. Then he noticed that on the “emoticon” Wikipedia page, there are 19th-century examples of emoticons (albeit vertical ones). ” I guess it’s plausible that this is a real emoticon, taking into account the parentheses and the Linotype,” he wrote.

Are we just seeing the the equivalent of the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich? Mr. Benilous said: “I can say this is unique. I scrolled through hundreds of results of pre-1900 “Applause and Laughter” references, and this is the only one I found with the semicolon parenthesis.”

He wrote in an e-mail message to City Room: “Ultimately, it is not just one typo but multiple typos that makes it more than a coincidence (spacing before and after, transposition, parenthesis as opposed to bracket). Considering this was all done by hand, it seems to be more intentional as opposed to a slip up typing or Microsoft Word autocorrect making the error.”

Perhaps the typesetter should have embedded “==|;o)>” and left no room for doubt.

Comments are no longer being accepted.

While the idea is plausible, I don’t think I would fall on the side of emoticons.

While the book as text and performance has been in play since the invention of the book before the Renaissance, it is hardly possible to think that a transcript would be the appropriate place or the opportune place to use typography as performance, or as interaction.

Hyperlinking and semantic play is really the result of the invention of the Internet, an idea that was not really in play at all in Lincoln’s time or before then.

However, I will say this, there have been some great examples of using text and the book as a kind of performance art. Look at Tristam Shandy. That black page that illuminates the state of Shandy’s mind….

But great topic generation, Jennifer 8. Lee!

This may just be the only time that “lol” can be considered appropriate and pass moderation. Therefore:


Scott Hester-Johnson January 19, 2009 · 2:55 pm

What is really astounding, and not mentioned in the article, are the ads for a weightloss tonic and “click here” for cheaper horse insurance at the bottom of the page.

I think it’s a UFO.

I wish they had invented TLDR back then. It would prevent a lot of grief.


Definitely a streetlight.

I think anyone with experience transcribing texts from 19th century typography would immediately interpret this as a transposition of the closing parenthesis and semicolon. I believe the space before the semicolon as printed is just an artifact of the period typographic practice of putting half spaces before colons (an instance is visible in the first line of the text shown) and semicolons.

“Are we just seeing the equivalent of the Virgin Mary in a grilled cheese sandwich?”

Was it really necessary to find an opportunity to poke fun at Catholicism, in an article that has nothing to do with Catholics or the Virgin?


Notably, this story itself has quite a few typographical mistakes (missing punctuation, misplaced words, etc.). I hope that a century and a half from now nobody will read too much into them.

It should also be noted that electronic addresses are also not new.

With the proliferation of the telegraph came the rudimentary email address: mystorename.newyork or

Which is why the past is never completely surprised by the future.

Here’s another vote for accidental transposition.

It’s neither an emoticon nor an error. Check the King James Bible–I know for a fact that the ;) punctuation shows up in Matthew, for example.

It’s just old-fashioned punctuation.

@ #6: I’m laughing that has now bled over into NYTimes. A streetlight indeed. Thanks for the laugh.

Claire…feeling a little put-upon, are we?

This is silly. To argue that this “emoticon” would even be understood at the time would have to mean it was used in other literature in the exact same fashion. I believe they only have this one example of this occurring in that time period right? The old emoticon examples in Wikipedia are not of the same orientation or style of the purported emoticon (not to mention occur quite a few years after the given example) and therefore this one would not be readily understood. If this is the only example, it’s a pretty weak case. They wouldn’t have intentionally made text that isn’t readily understood… that’s the entire point of language… and emoticons! Not to mention the context of this document is entirely inappropriate for emoticons in the first place.

It’s much more likely that this is a mistake. Typesetting on a letter press is a laborious process, especially for a document as long as a speech.


I am a former clergyman trained in the exegesis of the Greek New and Old Testaments. I am also an avid reader of old books. One thing I was taught was NOT to read into ancient (or in this case merely old) texts is modern intentions.
In the Nineteenth Century grammatical rules were far more formal, no idea of a playful use of punctuation had yet been imagined and the people of that time would not have seen the ;) as a smiley face. Indeed, the smiley face was as yet unknown. The semicolon at that time was a half stop; not as serious as a period (This occurs in the very next parenthesised words.) but more important to the intended flow of thought than a comma. It was considered needed even in a parenthesis. The idea is that the response of the crowd to what precedes the first parenthesis was important, but the second response was even more important.
This is a very serious work of important Journalism, no humor or playfulness could have been contemplated. We may only wonder what the ignorant and unscholarly of future generations may make of our careless grammar.

I think this article missed a crucial point: Would the smiley face, or any equivalent visual, even make sense to 19th-Century readers? We understand what that emoticon is trying to convey, but I don’t know that it was a part of the visual language of 1862. Something to consider:

Ah, if only the Times would go to this length and depth of inquiry when investigating WMD claims.

It seems to me the only purpose for this entire story is to set up the last line, making that wild speculation worthwhile. (But did they have pipe characters and greater-thans in the typesetter’s case back then?)

michael forster rothbart January 19, 2009 · 5:57 pm

Dear Mr. Safire,

In an article on empticons on today, your colleague Jennifer 8. Lee claimed that the “the semicolon has long been jettisoned as an anachronism.” As a source for this statement, she linked to another NY Times article from last February, which opined that “in literature and journalism, not to mention in advertising, the semicolon has been largely jettisoned as a pretentious anachronism.”

Please reassure me by telling me that you disagree with this assessment! As someone who regularly uses semicolons — not just in formal writing but also in emails — I truly hope this statement, presented as fait accompli, is not true. I am not sure how one might go about statistically assessing the decline of the semicolon, but I would be fascinated to learn the results of any research.

I could not find contact information for Ms. Lee. Please forward this comment to her.

(Speaking of curious punctation, as an aside, I suspect I am not the only reader who would like to learn about Ms. Lee’s middle initial. It reminds me of an acquaintance in college who legally added a 7 and a ? to his name.)

Thank you

Perhaps it’s a message to the future. ;)

I have to point out that while this may very well be an emoticon the Times has published stories with major grammatical errors either in a lack of proof reading or due to simple typos. Some of these errors include a story published online a few days ago in which the pronoun ‘I’ was not capitalized once in the first half of the story.

If any one would have used emoticons it would have been Ben Franklin. Anyone checked Poor Richard’s Almanac?

In the “higher quality version,” the complete paragraph has five parenthetical notes on audience reaction. Three are shown in above. The fourth and fifth are

(voices–” No, no ; none can do it better than yourself. Go on “)

[Cries–” Go on ! Tar and feather the rebels !”]

Though brackets are more common in the article, this one paragraph has two uses of parentheses. Throughout the article there is a space before exclamation points, question marks …and semicolons. Also after opening quotes, but not before closing ones. Punctuation in the parenthetical phrases varies depending on how they are placed in the surrounding text. For example, “[Renewed applause.]” is capitalized and ends with a period because it stands alone as a sentence. The semicolon is simply normal punctuation, possibly transposed though possibly not. The convention of the time may have been to put punctuation inside parentheses as well as inside quotes.

Oops. Forgot that angle braces would be interpreted as tags. After the first “Go on” there’s a note that some characters are blurred by the crease in the paper.